Staged photography
Two projects that I realised together with Elisa Rivera.
Concept: Mathias Will, photography: Elisa Rivera.
"Answer to Manet" (2021)
Manet's "Le Déjeuner sur l'herbe" was realised in a new version by me near Frankfurt. The model that was portrayed in Manet's painting was dressed in a mid-19th century garnement.
The men, on the other hand, are quite lightly dressed.
Performers: Nina Niknafs, Olcayto Uslu, Mathias Will, Aleksandra Modic
Printed on Alu-Dibond 140×93 cm
Breton's Nadja in Berlin (2023)
Concept: Mathias Will, photography: Elisa Rivera.
Actress: Patricia Hector

"Twelve Seconds of everyday life in…"
Photographic series
Concept and photography: Mathias Will
Since 2007, I have been creating photo series in various cities – for this series I am particularly interested in street scenes and moments of everyday life.
Albania 2009
Marocco 2014
London 2015
Georgia 2019
Tunesia 2019
Romania 2021
Italy 2007 – today
Berlin 2012 – today